Today is my 39th birthday, so the countdown to being 40 has now begun. I hope you can see the lovely timer I have added to the right of this. I've not idea how to trim it to size and the fact that it overlaps the margins is bugging me, like colouring over the lines as a child.
Today was quite a nice day all in all ....
My son, J, woke up at 4.15am to wish me a happy birthday. So sweet of him! He's 13 months old and sleeps in the same room as us at the moment. He will eventually go in the second bedroom once we've got some bunk beds in to make some space from the 2 single beds in there. More on that another day!
We all went back to sleep again and then woke up in a rush at 7.37am. Fortunately F, my fiancé, was able to get J ready while I got ready for work. Knowing that I had little time available I decided to wash my hair and put on some make up! I rarely wear make up to work unless I know we have a client visiting. Somehow I managed to get out of the house at 8.20am and dropped J off at nursery before the 8.30am breakfast cut off! Phew!
My colleagues at work are lovely, as there are only a few of us we all buy each other presents. So I was greeted some lovely gifts including bubble baths, picture frames chocolate and coffee. I got loads of birthday greetings on Facebook and by text which kept me going through the day. Work was pretty average, got quite a few jobs finished and a few new ones underway.
I had the joys of calling HMRC's debt recovery department for a client today .... they've changed the telephone hold music to something so awful the first time I heard it I had to laugh, but now it's a little bit annoying. Actually it's a lot annoying! Imagine the theme tune to
Family Guy, now jazz it up. Jazz it up some more and speed it up a little. Then, put it on repeat after every 16 bars. How do you like it? I'm sure some thought must go into what track is selected for the hold music. Perhaps they think it will encourage taxpayers to pay their debts quicker by not wanting to endure the torture by telephone again?
Managed to finish dead on 5.37pm, so was running a few minutes late for the nursery run. I hate those sort of journeys where you are trying to make up time but also well aware that you can't break the speed limits as it would be just your luck to get pulled over thus creating more catch up time for later. I managed to get there by 6pm so all was well.
I'm told J has been a bit greedy lately. He keeps demanding the other kids foods and then shouting if he doesn't get it! That's in addition to grabbing the other babies bottles. How do you explain to a 13month old that he doesn't own everything in the world? (I did try all the same!)
One thing I love about collecting your children from nursery is that moment when they realise your there, one second they're playing, then they look up, realise you're there to pick them up and come crawling/cruising over (he's not walking yet).
Got home, F is in a bit of a rush to wrap some presents so I take to entertaining J by singing songs. I don't have a big repertoire of children's songs at the moment. Many seem very depressing (e.g. not being able to put Humpty together again, cradles falling when the bow breaks) it's not good. His favourites are row, row, row your boat (he loves to scream at the crocodile and roar at the lion) and Thomas and Friends song. I think we may have a Thomas fan on our hands. It was worth the wait (see the picture above) presents included a cake /
cupcake box carrier, a huge bar of diary milk and a cook book (
Save with Jamie).
Song for the day:
I am feeling loved!
PS: If any of my tangent ramblings interest you and you'd like me to expand in another blog, let me know!